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What’s it like to fall in love with a man you didn’t know was a trained liar

In “Cover Stories,” an ambitious TV reporter learns her boyfriend is leading a double life as an undercover CIA operative and must navigate a world of lies and manipulation to free herself from his control.


It’s 2006 and Annabelle Astley is a rising star at a 24-hour cable news network in New York when she learns her boyfriend, Ryan Wyatt, is an undercover operative working for an elite unit of the CIA.

Her decision to confront him with her discovery brings about an extreme form of gaslighting, yet the allure of knowing something no one else does makes Annabelle fiercely protective of Ryan’s secret. 

Their relationship is tested when Ryan is deployed to Afghanistan and the increasing paranoia and isolation Annabelle experiences while living her own lies to keep his cover story intact has devastating consequences.


Love, lies and betrayal come together with devastating consequences when two high-stakes worlds collide.

Now Available on Kindle